the pop-up pitch
The Pop-Up Pitch is a radical new approach to help you create the perfect presentation, combining three key elements of persuasive storytelling-simple pictures, clear words, and powerful emotions-that together motivate audiences to pay attention, learn something new, and make effective decisions.
“Dan Roam has unearthed the core elements of persuasive storytelling and assembled into a single, simple path. If you follow Roam’s approach, you’ll quickly make meaning for your audiences — and for yourself.”
the back of the napkin
The international bestseller that kick-started the visual-thinking approach in business. There is no more powerful way to prove that you know something well than to draw a simple picture of it. And there is no more powerful way to see hidden solutions than to pick up a pen and draw out the pieces of your problem.
BusinessWeek's best innovation book of the year
A Fast Company best business book of the year
The (London) Times business creativity book of the year
"A must read for younger generation managers."
draw to win
How to lead, sell, and innovate with your visual mind. You don't need to be an artist to be an outstanding visual thinker and communicator. The most effective communication tools are simple pictures, and you can get good at those in three minutes. In this little book, you'll see how to use seven basic shapes to explain just about anything to just about anyone.
"It is because of simple drawings that I am able to more clearly communicate my ideas. I encourage everyone to do it. Thanks to Dan Roam, everyone can!"
—SIMON SINEK, optimist and author of Start With Why
This book offers a way out of business blah-blah-blah. It's called "Vivid Thinking."
In Dan Roam's first acclaimed book, The Back of the Napkin, he taught readers how to solve problems and sell ideas by drawing simple pictures. Now he proves that Vivid Thinking is even more powerful. This technique combines our verbal and visual minds so that we can think and learn more quickly, teach and inspire our colleagues, and enjoy and share ideas in a whole new way.
“The elegance of this book lies in the how it makes clear and simple the insanely hard work of making things clear and simple.”
- David Allen, author of Getting Things Done: the Art of Stress-Free Productivity
show & tell
In this short but powerful book, Dan introduces a new set of tools for making extraordinary presentations in any setting. He draws on ideas he’s been honing for more than two decades, as an award-winning presenter who has brought his whiteboard everywhere from Fortune 500 companies to tiny start-ups to the White House.
“Dan Roam is a master of communicating with pictures and words, together. I've stolen truckloads from him, and now you can, too.”
—AUSTIN KLEON, author of Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work
Imagine a presentation where your audience literally can’t take their eyes off the stage. That’s a Dan Roam keynote. It’s a magic show in which the only trick is the power of human vision.
From the science of vision (six pictures are all you need to explain anything) to the secrets of visual persuasion (sight is predictable!), when it’s time to inspire your audience with the power of their own visual genius, look to Dan.
Although Dan has delivered more than 500 keynotes across five continents to organizations of every size, every speech is custom and every presentation is new.
For keynotes and special events, Dan is represented exclusively by Tom Neilssen and Les Tuerk of the BrightSight Group.